Weekly YouTube Videos
Week One

Week Two

Week Three

Week Four

Week Five

Week Six

Week Seven

Week Eight

Week Nine

Week Ten

Week Eleven

Week Twelve

Week Thirteen

Week Fifteen

Week Fourteen
Join Jackie as she shares her health journey, insights, and resources for mental well-being on Mounjaro
First Week, Count Your Calories, Reduced Appetite, MedEpress
Hydration, Energy Levels, Food Noise, Responsible Eating
How to use the pen, Constipation, Electrolytes
Magic fifth dose, Cost, Micro dosing, Apps
Fifth dose results, clicks on pen, micro dosing, protein, constipation, listen to your body
Calorie deficit, mental aspects, changes in the body
Mindful eating, nausea, avoid more side effects
2 month update, negative comments, mental health and meditation
Revealing Before & After Photos, news of Operation, struggling to drink, how I microdose
Revealing Before and After photos, shopping
Scary 999 scare, Gallstones? Eating fat, lessons learnt
Cravings, Exercise, need a kick up the bum, Ebook coming
Center Parcs, January Blues, start planning, tips on being positive, changing my dose with clicks
Free eBook now available, Pills for Mounjaro? preparing for maintenance
Bug or Mounjaro? Struggling to eat, almost blew it.

Week Sixteen
Body Changes, Planning, Ebook, Maintain, sneaky peak on 'topic' videos coming up

Week Seventeen
Tips on how to start preparing for your end journey, should we be listening to guidelines and tacking your mindset

Week Eighteen
I share my weekly shopping bag goodies, my new jumper and have a whinge about the Media plus a HUGE pat on the back to you all shoutout.

Week Nineteen
Very brief update on another A & E visit!
Week Twenty

Some strange stuff is happening to me and I'm a bit lost. I also open up some Amazon parcels, revealing a sneaky peak into future videos and MEN, all in one update!

Week Twenty and a half!

Week Twenty One
My granddaughter Elliena joins me as we try to exercise using Resistant Bands!
Update on my Gallstone nightmare, I get on my highhorse over Media and general rant
Be the first to know about new eBook releases ready for download before anyone else!
Personal weight loss struggles, progress and wins.
Latest video releases with direct links
Exclusive 'extras' on my weekly topic videos.
Highlighting a 'comment of the week' from YOU guys.
Questions answered based on your lovely comments.